Curate • Style • Execute

Hey Beauties & Cuties!

I'm Tai, Welcome to my Style Studio, where together, we curate style & execute the most exquisite looks that compliment your lifestyle and persona. Take a look at my services to learn more and follow me on social media!

My Services 

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What exactly does a personal stylist do?**

A personal stylist helps individuals curate their wardrobe, select clothing items that suit their body type, personal style, and lifestyle, and create cohesive outfits for various occasions. We offer guidance on fashion trends, color choices, and accessorizing to enhance your overall look and confidence.

How do I know if I need a personal stylist?

You might consider hiring a personal stylist if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or uninspired by your wardrobe, struggling to put together outfits that make you feel confident, or simply wanting to upgrade your style to align with your personal or professional goals. Whether you're preparing for a special event, seeking a wardrobe refresh, or aiming to develop a signature style, a personal stylist can provide valuable expertise and assistance.

What should I expect during a styling session?

During a styling session, your personal stylist will typically begin by getting to know you, your lifestyle, and your fashion preferences. They may conduct a closet audit to assess your existing wardrobe and identify key pieces to keep, alter, or donate. From there, they'll work with you to select new clothing items and accessories that complement your style goals, budget, and needs. Throughout the session, they'll offer personalized advice, styling tips, and outfit suggestions tailored to your unique taste and body shape.

Will working with a personal stylist require me to buy a whole new wardrobe?

Not necessarily. While a personal stylist may recommend adding new pieces to your wardrobe to enhance your style and versatility, they'll also strive to work with items you already own and love. Their goal is to help you maximize the potential of your existing wardrobe by mixing and matching pieces in new ways, as well as strategically incorporating new additions that complement your personal style and fill any gaps in your clothing collection. Ultimately, the decision to purchase new items is entirely up to you and your budget.

How much does hiring a personal stylist cost?

I offer (1) free 30-minute consultation, where the Client and I will discuss their specific needs & wants, how I can provide assistance, and the rates associated with my services.

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Start your style transformation journey today!

Who is Tai Styles?

Tai's Style Studio offers Personal Styling Services  as well as one on one consultations. Booking is available for events, photo sessions & more. Based in the Western Suburbs of Chicago, Tai is dedicated to helping individuals unlock their full potential through curated style and wardrobe enhancement. With a focus on personal image enhancement, style development, and confidence building, she strives to empower clients to embrace their uniqueness and exude self-assurance in every aspect of their lives.